Account Access
If you are a new customer (never ordered online or through an EPSI sales representative), please use the Registration form to create a new account.
If you are a current EPSI customer, but you have never ordered online before, use the Registration form to create your online account. In order to ensure you do not create a duplicate account, please make sure to include the Customer ID that was assigned to you and appears on your Order Confirmations, Packing Slips, and Invoices. Typically it is four alphabetical characters followed by three numbers, such as WILD000. If you are unsure of your Customer ID or cannot locate it, please do NOT proceed with registering on this web site without it as it will create a duplicate account which will not be synchronized with your existing account. To access your Customer ID, please call or use the “Chat with EPSI” feature and we will look it up for you.
If you have ordered online before, please use the Sign In form to log into your account. Please do not create a new account as it will create a duplicate, retail account that will not be synchronized with your existing account. As a result, you will not receive your price levels or credit terms and a record of your order will not appear on your existing account.
If you have any questions or difficulties, please call us at 866-275-3774 or use the "Chat with EPSI" feature. You can also click here to request assistance.